24 June, 2013

John Kerry Said...What?

Regarding Snowden's decision to hang out in China and Russia whilst hiding from U.S. thugs, John Kerry took a swing at irony, and struck out:
"...I wonder if while he was in either of those countries [China & Russia] he raised the question of Internet freedom since that seems to be what he champions." (emphasis mine)
Please pardon my ignorance here, but, when Snowden issued his leak, did he reveal problems regarding Internet freedom, or privacy?  I thought he was rather more of a champion of Privacy and perhaps also Democracy.

In my opinion, having the capability to listen to and record everyone's phone calls--and then taking action--sounds more like the actions of a police state than a democracy.  Follow that up with weird statements like Kerry's, and you have the makings for another Stalinist Regime.

Really, Kerry?  Internet freedom?

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