29 March, 2016

Notes From the Edge of Depression

Just a quick note before I crawl away and expire.  I've noticed that I tend to write better when I get hit with depression.  And, I don't mean I somehow write gloriously or with an otherworldly ability for organization, character arc, or accuracy.  I mean that words tend to pour out of my head in bursts and--if I am of a keen enough mind to remember--I am able to craft short memos or missives that tend to sound a bit silly, yet magically contain a very nice cadence.

I have often taken these silly things and worked on them later when I was not so depressed, and I found that I liked the results.  When I am not depressed, words fail me, but I can maintain a fair amount of concentration and mien whilst editing or restructuring.

Now, if I can only harness that process with due diligence, I might actually be able to START that Great American Novel I have been pining to write for the past 30 years or so.


Right.  Well, back to my depressing day...

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