31 August, 2011

First Day Of My Public Speaking Class

I have been doing absolutely nothing with my academic career for well nigh 30 years now.  Well, to be exact, I have taken a class here and there, but I have not committed myself to a firm goal of obtaining a degree from an accredited college.  That has changed recently.

I now attend the University of Memphis in good ol' Memphis, Tennessee.  I work full time, so I cannot do the on-campus thing like so many young students do.  Instead, I take one online and one off-site campus class per semester...minimum.

One of my classes is a public speaking class, meant to break young minds into the world of...well, public speaking.  That is, the rules and procedures which make one a better public speaker and thus more articulate in every conversation.

So, the book suggests I keep a diary.  Here it is.

Unfortunately, I must put a lot of my gaming on hold, as Oblivion tends to suck the life out of one when fully engaged.  I can't wait for the DT's.

Meanwhile, my thoughts currently surround the first day of my Public Speaking class.  It was good.  We did the standard exercise of talking with a neighbor and then presenting them by standing in front of the class and moving that pie hole in a more useful manner than stuffing it with sugars and fats.  Plus, I got to learn a bit about the other students.  Quite a diverse group.  I think I will enjoy this semester.

Oh, and the book emphasizes the technique of Finding Your Voice.  I'm old enough to think I know what that is, but I am ready to forget all I've learned and start anew.  I wonder what my "voice" might be.